I’ve often been asked over the years, how did you get interested in tech? Since I was just asked yesterday by someone, I decided what better way to answer that question than with a blog post. Even more, I figured I’d make this a blog post challenge similar to the one we did a few weeks ago back in mid January. You can see that post here: Blog Question Challenge 2025.
Since this is a challenge post, I’ll be tagging a few folks at the end of the post that I’d like to see follow suit and write up a blog post answering the same questions I have answered below.
When Did You First Get Interested In Technology?

I first got interested in tech at a very early age, likely around 4 or 5 years old. I was living in Houston, TX, as my parents moved there when I was between 2 and 3 years old. They moved there from Cocoa Beach, FL because of the oil boom that was just starting. Plus, it was a much bigger city than Cocoa Beach which they wanted mainly for job market stuff.
We were living on a 75 acre ranch at the time and I remember I had a 13-inch black and white Sony TV that I watched cartoons on. One day, out of the blue, my dad decided to hook up this machine to my TV called Pong. I had no idea what Pong was, but little did I know it would be the beginning of a new journey for me in life and one that would stick with me forever.
Once Pops got it hooked up, and tuned the TV to channel 3, as that’s how we played video games for many years back in the day, I heard this little set of intro beeps and noises, and I was instantly intrigued.
I remember I sat in front of my TV for hours upon hours that day, without eating, getting up and stretching or anything else. I was instantly addicted and little did I know I’d be addicted to this little thing called technology for the rest of my life, all thanks to those little beeps and boops.
What’s Your Favorite Piece Of Technology All-Time?

I remember someone asking me this a few years ago, and I have to admit, it’s very difficult for me to answer. Mainly because there are so many pieces of tech that I’ve owned over the years that really changed my life, did certain/special things or whatever that held my attention for years.
However, if I had to narrow it down to just one piece of tech to call my favorite of all-time, I’d have to go back to my roots of gaming. I’ll be 54 this year and still play video games on a very regular basis. It’s something I do because I love video games, but also to have “down time” and to just relax and enjoy the day or evening. I’ve been doing it almost daily since I Pops hooked up Pong to that little TV of mine and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
With that being said, I’ll expand on this a bit and mention that mobile phone devices of today are a very close second. Those little handheld devices allow us to do so many things in the palm of our hands such as calling anyone in the world, searching the internet, interacting with others on social media and of course, yep, video games!
What’s Your Favorite Piece Of Technology Right Now?

Again, very difficult question to answer, but I’ll say something different than video games even though they are still my favorite today. So I’ll mention computers, since I already mentioned mobile phones above.
Computers allow us to do most anything and everything. For me, my computers aren’t just pieces of tech I use to search the web, interact on social media, play video games and anything else, but it’s also used daily for my job since I work from home. I currently work for HSTPathways as a Customer Support Specialist and rely on a computer to do that job each and every day, just like many others of us in today’s world.
Name One New Cool Piece Of Technology We’ll Have In 25 Years!

What’s up with these super questions you’re asking? They are certainly tough, but very thought provoking. I’m not really sure here, as I can see so many things being so different in 25 years, but I’m not sure I can actually envision those things. Maybe if I could, I’d invent something and possibly become rich.
Drawing a real blank here, and the only thing that really comes to mind is flying cars. Seems silly and seems like a basic answer, and maybe “flying cars” isn’t the correct word. Why do we need flying cars when we have airplanes?
Let’s put the silly idea aside, and something I feel we’ll accomplish is to be able to live underwater. As in, we’ll have buildings or domes or similar structures that allow us to easily go underwater from our homes that we have today and live within the ocean. I don’t think it’s some long term solution to anything, but I feel it’s something that a lot of humans would like to see accomplished and maybe we’ll find a way to make it happen. I personally would love to live in a glass dome in the ocean and just watch the ocean life around me.
Final Thoughts
This was a random blog post idea that came to mind this morning while I was playing Eternal Strands on Steam and it really made me think about tech and how it all started for me and where I’m at with it today.
Now, I’d like to hear from the following people and would love to see them do a blog post answering the same questions as well. Feel free to add more questions if you’d like to explain your love, or hate, for technology a bit further.
So yeah, TAG, YOU’RE IT!
Kyle, Jason, Sam, Liz, Adam, Robb and OrbitalMartian let’s see what you got!