Blog Questions Challenge Part Three: Music Edition
I was tagged by Jason Crabapple to do the Music Question Challenge. Super excited about this one as I absolutely love music!
Founder & Editor
Admin: || I've been playing video games since the early 70's. ColecoVision and the Commodore 64 are my jams! || I love all things tech and all things that go BEEP! || If it's tech related in any way, you can count me in as far as being interested.
I was tagged by Jason Crabapple to do the Music Question Challenge. Super excited about this one as I absolutely love music!
I’ve often been asked over the years, how did you get interested in tech? Since I was just asked yesterday by someone, I decided what better way to answer that question than with a blog post.
As the famous saying goes, “there’s an app for that”. However, finding the best app that fits your work style or what you need to be most productive can be quite the challenge.
It was suggested to me the other day by Christian Tietze that it might be time for me to do a /Uses page on my blog so that others know what kind of hardware and software I use regularly. Today, I’m doing just that and I hope you all find it interesting.
As we all know, cloud services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and others are all very convenient ways to share files between devices, sometimes doing it locally is just satisfying and the best way to do it. This is where LocalSend comes into play, which is an app I just recently discovered and am so glad that I did.
A few weeks ago I went to the Apple Store at Friendly Center in Greensboro, NC to pick up my M4 Mac Mini. This would be my first official use of MacOS on any kind of a regular basis.
It seems I’ve been selected to participate in the Blog Question Challenge 2025. So here is my blog post to answer all of those questions that have been floating around social media by numerous others.
So today, I’m asking all of you, if you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? And yes, it can be anything as there are no limitations here in any way.
There used to be a time back around 2011 – 2015 or so that I was able to write blog posts regularly. I would often do so several times per week. Some of that was because I had a lot of products to review, but some of that was just random stuff I would come up with to write about.
Now that 2024 is over and 2025 has begun, it’s always nice and often fun to try new things. Personally, I never participate in these social media challenges that you see people do online as it’s just not something I’ve ever been interested in or know I likely won’t get too far.