Blog Questions Challenge Part Three: Music Edition
I was tagged by Jason Crabapple to do the Music Question Challenge. Super excited about this one as I absolutely love music!
I was tagged by Jason Crabapple to do the Music Question Challenge. Super excited about this one as I absolutely love music!
I’ve often been asked over the years, how did you get interested in tech? Since I was just asked yesterday by someone, I decided what better way to answer that question than with a blog post.
It seems I’ve been selected to participate in the Blog Question Challenge 2025. So here is my blog post to answer all of those questions that have been floating around social media by numerous others.
Nova Launcher has been around for well over 12 years at this point and has been the number one ranked 3rd party home screen replacement app in the Google Play Store for most of that time.
I’ve been using Gmail forever. As in, prior to it ever going public. Back when you had to have an invite to get in. Luckily, I knew someone that had gotten in via a Google employee, and they were able to invite me very early on as well. It’s done what I’ve wanted and needed it to do. But now, I’m leaving it behind for greener pastures.